Thomas Walsh

Thomas Walsh HeadshotThomas Walsh


Barclay Damon, LLP

In his practice, Tom focuses on all facets of environmental law, providing insight to clients since the seminal statutes in his field were passed in the 1970s and 1980s. Tom leads an experienced legal team. They handle brownfield cleanups, consent orders, and cost-recovery under federal and state Superfund and oil-spill laws; the purchase and sale of companies and properties with substantial environmental exposure; and the permitting, planning, and zoning of projects with significant environmental impacts.

Tom has represented clients before state and federal agencies on matters as diverse as brownfield redevelopment and tax credits; oil-spill and hazardous-substance remediation; NEPA and SEQRA matters; historic-preservation matters under federal NHPA Section 106 and NYS Section 14.09; coastal-zone consistency, dock licensing, and environmental-restoration projects; and matters involving solid and hazardous-waste regulations, petroleum and chemical bulk storage, release and spill reporting, and Form R and toxic release inventory reporting and defense.

His clients span industries, including utilities, a transportation corporation, several Fortune 500 corporations, mid-cap manufacturers, and numerous small businesses as well as developers, municipalities, and individuals.

Tom formerly served as the managing director of Barclay Damon’s Rochester office and as a member of the firm’s Management Committee.

Moderator | Brownfield/Superfund Update
2023 Annual Environment Conference