
Effective October 1, 2018, the Business Council Insurance Fund implemented its administration platform to a system called EB360®, an online solution for our brokers and members to manage their BCNY Life, Disability, Dental and Vision (1/1/2019) programs in an on-line environment. This includes:


General Navigation

Navigation User Guide



  • Ability to view and manage all of their customers plans

  • Ability to view all employees covered under those programs

  • Ability to view outstanding proposals

  • Ability to view customer monthly bills (2019)

  • Ability to view all commission statements (2019)

  • Ability to include non-BCNY coverages (2019)

Broker User Guide



  • Ability to manage enrollment activities
  • Ability to add/delete/change employee level benefit information
  • Ability to view and pay monthly premium statements
  • Ability to access all forms, including claims, ID cards, Certificates (January 2019

List Bill User Guide

HR User Guide - Self Administered Billing


Our Benefits Management Value

For Brokers

For Employers


EB360® Login


  • Call The Business Council of New York Insurance Fund at 800-692-5483
  • Email [email protected]