Advocacy Campaigns

The Business Council is expanding its e-advocacy efforts and opening up our platform to businesses from Chambers and associations within our membership, along with other New Yorkers interested in adding their support to our pro-jobs, pro-growth agenda. This simple to use platform will allow you to send your message directly to your representatives in Albany and Washington in response to issues of importance to the state’s business climate and economic future. We welcome and appreciate your engagement.

Our Schools Need Essential Skills

New York schools lack equal access to essential skills which is a critical foundation for strong social and emotional intelligence along with career and college readiness. 

NYS Needs to Act Now to Address the $9 Billion Unemployment Insurance Debt

Tell New York State To Use Its Federal Assistance to Lower the Unemployment Insurance Debt!


Stop Damaging European-style Antitrust in New York

The proposed legislation replaces New York’s antitrust laws with a law modeled on European antitrust laws, both removing the consumer from any consideration and making New York the only state in the Union to abandon consumer-centric antitrust law.