The Business Council supports this legislation which would allow for metal beverage containers to have detachable caps.
Many bottlers are now beginning to use twist-off caps in their metal beverage containers, very similar to those used on glass bottles. Under current law however, bottlers are prohibited from distributing metal beverage containers that have a detachable part in the opening, including these twist-off caps. This law was intended to reduce the use of detachable pull-tabs, commonly used on beverage cans, which have a greater potential to cause harm to fish and wildlife.
The new twist-off caps used on metal containers are already being used on glass containers and have proven to be more environmentally friendly while reducing the risk of harm to the public and wildlife.
This bill seeks to update New York’s bottle law to conform to new industry methods while recognizing the importance of protecting our environment.
For these reasons, the Business Council urges passage of S.24323/A.7483.