S.2159 (Griffo)/A.2604 (Morelle)


Vice President


S.2159 (Griffo)/A.2604 (Morelle)


Authorizes Mixed Martial Arts



The Business Council of NYS, Inc. supports S.2159 (Griffo)/A.2604 Morelle), which would authorize and properly regulate Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) in New York State.

Currently, New York is the only state in the U.S. where professional MMA is not allowed. With Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) being one of the fastest growing and popular sports in the United States, this legislation will bring much needed economic activity to New York’s sports and entertainment venues, hospitality industry and generate additional revenues for the State and local governments. By some estimates, legalizing professional MMA will generate up to 950 jobs and $135 million in annual economic activity across the State of New York.

In addition, amateur MMA, which currently is legal and unregulated in New York, would be regulated by the New York State Athletic Commission under this legislation.

Our membership includes a number of resorts and sports venues, for which MMA authorization would be a significant development opportunity. Moreover, our membership supports opportunities for increased economic activity in the state.  And we are always skeptical when New York’s regulatory regime is out of step with that of the majority of other states.

For these reasons, The Business Council of NYS, Inc. supports this legislation which would allow professional MMA under the regulation of the SAC. We endorse approval of S.2159/A.2604.