Dennis Elsenbeck
Head of Energy and Sustainability, Energy Consulting Services
Phillips Lytle LLP
Mr. Elsenbeck provides consulting services on a broad range of energy-related opportunities encompassing a forward view of supply, distribution and demand options. In his leadership role with a major U.S. utility for nearly 30 years, he brings to Phillips Lytle insight, analytics and business perspectives on long-term policies and the economic landscape. He assists clients with due diligence and regulatory compliance on energy transactions; regulatory counseling involving Public Service Commission proceedings; energy procurement and utility negotiations involving government entities and municipalities; procurement consulting regarding the reduction of energy costs and review of economic incentives; market driven integrated resource planning, and identifying commercial and technical issues associated with energy-related opportunities. Mr. Elsenbeck helps clients move critical energy projects forward by providing creative solutions and overcoming project challenges.
As a member of the Climate Action Council charged with developing the Scoping Document for the implementation of New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), He highlights the need to ensure adequacy and resiliency of the electric system to meet the challenge of an electrified economy, as well as, to stress the role of integrating economic development, workforce development and supply chain development within the climate discussion in order to balance economic and environmental sustainability.