Business Council Kathy Marchione in the 43rd Senate District


Director of Communications

ALBANY—The Business Council of New York State, Inc. is endorsing Kathy Marchione in the 43rd State Senate District.

"Kathy Marchione understands that to put New York on a path to economic recovery we need to lower taxes and lower the cost of doing business in this state.” said Heather Briccetti, president and CEO of The Business Council of New York State, Inc.” As a town supervisor and county clerk, Kathy has been a champion of reducing the cost of government enacting pro-growth policies and will continue to focus on those policies when she is elected to the Senate."

“It's an honor to be endorsed by The Business Council. They have been a tireless champion of making New York more business-friendly and growing the private sector. I'm looking forward to working with them to improve the business climate and put New Yorkers back to work,” said Marchione.

As a town supervisor and county clerk, Kathy worked hard to create avenues for economic expansion and job creation. She overhauled Saratoga County's Department of Motor Vehicles and saved taxpayers millions of dollars in the process. Kathy also has a record of working across party lines to get results for her constituents.

As State Senator, Kathy will support much of the Business Council's economic reform agenda which includes mandate relief, tax reform and limiting government borrowing.

This endorsement comes through the Business Council's Political Action Committee.