Business asked to comment on ideas for improving career, technical education


Director of Communications

The New York State Board of Regents is asking New York's business community for its opinions of a new set recommendations for changes to align the state's career and technical education programs with new higher academic standards.

The new recommendations were developed by a Career and Technical Education Advisory Panel that SED created to examine various issues related to New York's career and technical education program.

This panel, which included national and state leaders from business, labor, and education, conducted a series of Career and Technical Education Focus Forums beginning last November.

Based on these forums and the deliberations of the panel, SED has issued the recommendations, which were presented to the state Board of Regents at its June meeting. The recommendations are scheduled to be discussed at the November meeting of the Regents.

Business leaders interested in commenting on the recommendations are invited to submit written responses to specific questions before the end of October.