Bess Beikoussis Gorman

Bess Gorman Headshot

Bess Beikoussis Gorman

Assistant General Counsel

National Grid

Bess Beikoussis Gorman is Assistant General Counsel, Future of Heat, for National Grid and has been practicing energy law for over 25 years. Throughout her career she has specialized in regulatory issues, including infrastructure siting matters,  environmental permitting, and rate cases and currently specializes in the energy transition and achieving net-zero in the building sector.  She has been the lead in designing and developing proposals for regulatory approval for utility-scale networked thermal energy pilots in Massachusetts and New York  and is a key member of the team advancing a networked geothermal pilot in Lowell, MA.


She earned her B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Tufts University and J.D. from Boston College Law School.