Neil Menezes | General Mills

Neil Menezes

Neil Menezes

Packaging Sustainability Policy Manager
General Mills

Neil Menezes is the Packaging Sustainability Policy Manager with General Mills. He is supporting the company to achieve its packaging goal of designing 100% recyclable or reusable packaging by 2030 through effective policies and programs. Prior to joining General Mills, he worked for over 10 years as a consultant in the recycling and waste management industry. He has worked closely with a broad range of stakeholders including brand owners, municipalities, producer responsibility organizations (PROs), associations, and government agencies in Canada, the US, Europe and South America.

Additionally, Neil has been extensively involved in extended producer responsibility (EPR) programs in Canada. He was involved in the data collection and verifying of municipal cost and tonnage data for Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan. He developed the Industry Funding Model used by Ontario’s regulator for EPR programs, Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority, to determine the share of costs owed by industry. Neil has also been involved in developing and updating recovery and financial fee models for multiple PROs. Neil also has on-the-ground experience having conducted various inbound and MRF audits to better understand how packaging flows through recycling systems.

Speaker | 2022 Annual Meeting | Looking Forward
Thursday, September 22, 2022 | 8:45 AM
Emerging Environmental Issues Impacting Business