S.4446 (Boyle) /A.5920 (Steck)


Vice President


S.4446 (Boyle) /A.5920 (Steck)


SLA Enforcement Authority



The Business Council supports S.4446 / A.5920 which clarifies the State Liquor Authority’s enforcement authority.  Specifically, it clarifies the SLA’s legal authority to penalize licensees based on perceived violations of the laws of other states, to limit such enforcement to cases where the conduct in question amounts to an independent violation of New York State’s alcoholic beverage control law or has resulted in a criminal conviction in another state.

With the changing landscape of the wine and spirits industry, and of state-level alcoholic beverage control laws, the lack of clarity and the perception of selective enforcement under New York’s alcoholic beverage control law has created an unpredictable regulatory environment. This bill seeks to clarify the State Liquor Authority’s legal authority as it pertains to enforcing laws of another state.

The alcohol industry continues to be an important part of New York’s economy. The industry provides tens of thousands of jobs and billions of dollars economic activity throughout the State. A predictable regulatory environment will help ensure this important industry remains strong and continues to experience the growth we have seen in recent years.

For these reasons, The Business Council recommends approval of S.4446 / A.5920.