This bill would enact the NY Privacy Act. Although the newly introduced legislation makes significant and positive changes to the original bill, the legislation still falls short of creating a mechanism by which businesses can effectively comply. The Business Council of New York State, on behalf of our 3200 members, opposes this legislation.
The Business Council has the unique perspective of advocating on behalf of New York State businesses that touch every sector of the economy. In that role we take into account many voices in the businesses community and utilize that interaction to advocate for the best possible results for our members and most of all the State of New York. In this instance the sectors of the business community which oppose this bill are broad and wide. This is not a "tech bill" as it impacts many other sectors of the economy. In speaking with our members, as written, this bill will increase costs and create a dynamic in which most businesses will be unable to comply.
I think the sponsor have made great strides with there amendments but there is more work to be done. Many supporters of the bill point to states like Connecticut that have passed comprehensive privacy bills. But this bill does not match the Connecticut bill and there are key provisions missing. Therefore, this would create another set of rules that businesses must comply. We believe that this is a pathway for legislation and we believe that a privacy can come from thoughtful industry discussions.