New York's population losses


Director of Communications

New Yorkers continued to move away from home, and the state continued to lose population relative to the rest of the nation, from July 1998 to July 1999, new data from the U.S. Census Bureau show.

Domestic migration out of the state-net of residents who moved here from other states-totaled nearly 168,000, far more than in any other state. But the Empire State ranked second in attracting international immigrants, with 103,745 during the year.

New York's overall population rose 0.2 percent-a growth rate slower than 43 states'-to just under 18.2 million. The increase was the second straight for the state, after three consecutive years of population loss in the mid-1990s. Nationally, the number of residents grew 0.9 percent for the year.

From 1990 to 1999, the Census Bureau said, net domestic migration from New York totaled nearly 1.9 million people, compared to net international immigration of 1.1 million. The state's population during those years grew 1.1 percent, 45th among the states.

The relative loss of residents means New York is almost certain to lose two Congressional seats after the 2000 Census.