Dennis Elsenbeck

Dennis W. Elsenbeck MEng, MBA

Chief Sustainability Officer
Viridi Parente

Dennis Elsenbeck’s passion for sustainable technologies brought him to Viridi Parente in February 2020. As Chief Sustainability Officer, Elsenbeck is responsible for the strategic direction and the alignment of products and services for Viridi’s subsidiaries, Volta Energy and Green Machine, and represents Viridi in legislative and regulatory interests and energy policy.

Before joining Viridi Parente, Elsenbeck served as the director of stakeholder and policy for National Grid’s U.S. operations. After 29 years of championing sustainability projects with large commercial and industrial customers and aligning clean energy solutions with economic development opportunities at National Grid, he moved to Phillips Lytle LLP to found and lead their energy and sustainability group, which assisted clients with regulatory compliance and energy product/solution fit. 

Elsenbeck is an active member of the community as the chairman of the Northland Workforce Training Center and as a member of New York State’s Climate Action Council. Always a champion for clean energy and economic solutions, he is a frequent writer and speaker on issues related to energy policy, sustainability, and economics.

Elsenbeck received his Bachelor of Technology in industry engineering in 1987 from the SUNY Institute of Technology, his MBA in 1992 from the University of Rochester, and his Master of Engineering in 1996 from the University at Buffalo. Prior to his academic career, he served as an electrician’s mate second class in the United States Navy.


2021 Annual Environment Conference | Building the Green Economy of Tomorrow
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 | 10:00 – 11:00 AM
Electrifying Transportation