S.6265-A (Gianaris) / A.8083-A (Niou)


Senior Director, Government Affairs


S.6265-A (Gianaris) / A.8083-A (Niou)


Service Worker Prevailing Wage Expansion



The Business Council of New York State strongly opposes S.6265-A (Gianaris) / A.8083-A (Niou). Prevailing wage is the pay rate set by law for work on public work projects. This legislation alters existing labor law provisions that were created to establish wage requirements for building service employees to apply to service work for utility companies.  

This legislation would significantly increase the type and amount of work that is traditionally subject to prevailing wage laws by requiring public utilities located in the State to pay prevailing wages for building service employees. 

This bill would require utilities to pay the prevailing wage rate to a host of service workers who perform work under contract. These are not utility workers, but instead contractors for whom utilities contract for services. The expansion of prevailing wage mandates and increased utility costs, will increase the already high costs of doing business in the State.  

The expansion of the prevailing wage law to private sector companies would establish a dangerous precedent that could be applied to virtually any private entity in the future – including manufacturers, food processors, hospitals, universities, insurers and others. While it appears to impact only utilities, it goes far beyond this and sets a dangerous precedent for all businesses throughout the State. 

Energy is the lifeblood of the economy and unaffordable energy will starve the economy. The State Legislature should not add to the cost of energy. For these reasons, we urge you to oppose this legislation.