S. 6087 (Marcellino) / A.8180 (Nolan)


Manager, Government Affairs
518.465.7511, ext. 208


S. 6087 (Marcellino) / A.8180 (Nolan)


Relates to Continuing the Early College High School and P-TECH (Pathways in Technology Early College High School) Programs



The Business Council of New York State supports S.6087 (Marcellino) / A.8180 (Nolan), which would add early college high schools and the New York State pathways in technology early college high school program (P-TECH) to the state education statutes and provide for their continued support within the state education department.

Both early college high school and P-TECH programs involve a partnership with public school districts and institutions of higher education which provide students access to college coursework and college credits while in high school.

Access to this advanced coursework not only better prepares students for college, but increases their likelihood of college graduation since students are able to receive college credits in high school at no cost to them.

Additionally, students in P-TECH programs have direct contact to the program’s private sector business partners through mentoring, worksite visits, and job shadowing; providing students with the invaluable exposure to career exploration.

Currently, these programs are supported with appropriations bills, but not in the state education law. Including these valuable programs in the state education law will help to preserve them and allow for their continued growth.

The Business Council supports programs which not only help students attend college, but those that also help ensure New York has the qualified workforce needed to further grow our economy. As such, the Business Council supports S.6087 (Marcellino) / A.8180 (Nolan), which would ensure that students are leaving high school with skills and an education that better prepare them for college or career.