The Business Council, representing more than 3,000 businesses, chambers of commerce, and professional and trade organizations from across New York State that employ more than 1.2 million New Yorkers, strongly supports S.1803-A (Ramos)/A.4104-A (Hunter), which would establish a searchable database of veteran-owned businesses and.
Businesses are still recovering from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, this especially holds true of small businesses. It is vital that we support the recovery of small businesses in New York State whenever possible. With a veteran-owned and disabled veteran owned businesses facing a unique set of issues to recover, creating a database to make it easier to find and support these businesses would help ease the process. This database would also use special markers to indicate which are disabled veteran-owned businesses.
This would not only help to advertise veteran-owned business within local communities but would help government agencies and private contractors looking for goods and services find these businesses. This legislation could also encourage more veterans to start their own businesses if they see they have support systems such as these available to them.
For these reasons, the Business Council supports S.1803-A (Ramos)/A.4104-A (Hunter).