This legislation would amend New York State's
Labor Law by requiring new studies, policies and
workplace training whether a need exists or not.
Since this bill would affect private sector not-for-profit corporations
who receive at least fifty
percent of their budget through government sources, The Business Council
opposes enactment of
this legislation.
Different businesses require different solutions
There is no question that violence follows employees to, and occurs
in, the workplace and that
vigilance and teamwork on the part of employers, employees and their
collective bargaining
agents is necessary to address this issue. However, imposition of this
type of uniform mandate,
without regard for the need, size, location or type of business, is
the last step toward a solution,
not the first step. The Business Council would prefer to see efforts
toward a cooperative solution
before a mandate such as this is considered.
See if the 2000 model domestic violence policy worked
In November 2000, Governor Pataki announced the development and availability
of a Model
Domestic Violence Employee Awareness and Assistance Policy for Private
Business. This
resulted from Chapter 368 of the laws of 1997. This called for an effort
to make businesses
aware of the availability of this model policy, provide technical support,
information and
encouragement to businesses, and survey businesses within four years
to determine the
extent of policy adoption. Since domestic violence is a part of overall
violence in the
workplace, The Business Council believes activities called for in this
existing law
should proceed and results evaluated before any new mandated actions
are considered.
It diverts scarce resources
A program such as this that requires the vast majority of violence-free
workplaces to spend time
and funds on unneeded studies, analysis and training, diverts valuable
resources from other uses.
Supporters of this legislation have made no attempt to estimate of
the cost of this legislation to
businesses and organizations across New York State.
Let unions and employers collectively bargain
In workplaces where employees are represented by a collective bargaining
agent, human resource
professionals or business owners can work closely with bargaining agents
and employees to
evaluate and act upon specific situations that affect their worksite(s).
If little or no violence issues
exist, they are able to direct their energies to more mutually beneficial
Goes beyond workplace violence
In addition to the above objections, The Business Council has additional
concerns about provisions
in the bill including, when a person may request an inspection by the
Commissioner and the
authority of the Commissioner to go beyond the initial reason for the
inspection. Also, this bill
duplicates the provisions of the federal Occupational Safety and Health
Act (OSHA), an act which
employers are already subject to, in requiring that employers provide
a safe workplace.
For these reasons, The Business Council opposes this legislation and
respectfully urges that it not
be reported by the Assembly Labor Committee.