Barbara Chang | CareerWise NYC

Barbara Chang

Barbara Chang

Executive Director
CareerWise NYC

Barbara has over 30 years of nonprofit management experience in the NY-metropolitan area. She is currently Executive Director of CareerWise New York, an initiative that is introducing modern youth apprenticeship to New York City schools and companies. She was previously Executive Vice President of HERE to HERE, an organization whose vision is to unite employers, NYC schools and local universities to align and produce talent that is responsive to employer skill demands. Before HERE to HERE, Barbara was Executive Director of the Mayor’s Office of Workforce Development. There she was charged with coordinating city agency workforce programs and education partners to optimize a career pathways approach for jobseekers and employers. Prior to joining the City, Barbara was Founder and CEO of Code to Work, an employer-focused nonprofit venture whose mission is to seed greater diversity in the IT sector by introducing qualified diverse job candidates to employers through a skills-based hiring approach. Her other roles include Executive Vice President of Per Scholas, the largest IT workforce development organization in New York City, overseeing fundraising and the training program, CEO of NPower National and Executive Director of NPower New York. She holds a Masters in Administration from the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill and a Bachelors degree from Johns Hopkins University.